June 9th lesson

Dear students,
Today you should prepare for next week`s third presentation assignment on social issues. You may work either alone or with one or two partners. The maximum number is three per group.
The assessment criteria for the next two presentations will be different from the first two; You will be awarded five points for professionalism and five points for content.
Professionalism in one`s presentation includes being well organized, speaking English clearly; having meaningful, stylish and effective slides in English without spelling or grammar mistakes; having good audience communication including with one`s eyes; and showing good manners.
Content refers to your ideas. You should be well researched and your information should be new and interesting to most of your audience. You should also tell or show the audience where you got your material from, either orally or by showing them in a slide in your conclusion.
If you want me to check your slides for mistakes, or to offer advice or suggestions, please ask today.
Kind regards,
